How to Teach Your Child about Money,
without the frustration, uncertainty and dreaded emotional roller coaster.

Do you wish there was a step-by-step approach to teach your child
good habits and money values? If yes, this program is for you!

Just like a friendship, a great relationship with money needs to be built over time. It takes effort and conversations.

Yes, we are talking money conversations here.  

Are you comfortable to discuss money with your child? Is this topic usually more positive or negative to talk about?

In fact, as a parent, you know that your child is always observing you and creating their money beliefs that will set them up for life

Hey, don’t blame yourself if you feel that your child’s relationship with money is not optimal. You are already trying your best.

It's just that when you know better, you can do better!

Your parents probably didn’t teach you about money, the way you are trying to teach your child now. Their parents didn’t teach them about it either.

As the saying goes “You repeat what you don’t repair”.

It's time for you to change!  It is never too early or too late for your child to develop a healthy relationship with money.

And it actually starts with YOU.

After speaking with many coaching clients and parents, I realised that they have some common issues around teaching their children about money:
> Limiting money beliefs
> Scarcity mindset
> Lack of clarity and confidence

That’s why I would love to give you some guidelines with practical steps and tools to nurture your unique child. I'm giving you a step-by-step approach to guide your child to be sensible and comfortable around day-to-day interactions with money.

This course is for you if

  • You want to help your children develop a healthy relationship with money.
  • You want to raise financially responsible children.
  •  You want to transform your money mindset and how you talk about money with your children.

This course is NOT for you if

  • You are looking to outsource teaching your children about money to someone else. 
  • You want to your child to learn investing (this is not an investment course).
  • You are not willing to change your money mindset or beliefs. 

Introducing the Money Savvy Parents Digital Course

Here's What The Course Comprise of:

Module 1:
Exploring Yours and Your Child's Money Mindset

Growing up, your personal experiences with money had shaped your money mindset.

I’ll show you how you can identify your own money mindset, shift it to a positive one and develop strategies to deal with your current money beliefs.    
This mindset shift is crucial as it will impact your children's money mindset. We often repeat what we don’t repair.

Module 2:
Understanding Your Family Values 

Every family is unique and has different values that guide their behaviours.

When conflict and disagreement arises, your family values will serve as a compass, helping you navigate your family’s rules and behaviour around money.

Module 3:
The Art and Science of Spending

Allowance is not a stick or carrot, i.e. a mere reward or punishment. It should be neutral and guided by agreed-upon rules.

I will help you design the right allowance for your child’s needs and circumstances. You’ll also learn how to instil good money habits through budgeting, spending and goal setting.  

Module 4:
Nurturing an Abundant Child

Useful tools like vision boards and journaling can inspire children to dream while emphasizing the value of responsible spending.  

Guiding a child towards gratitude and abundance requires you to be their role model.

Moving towards abundance may include letting go of limiting beliefs, changing money habits and cultivating new values for you and the family. 

The course materials will be in video format with worksheets and will be sent out to you module by module, with Module 1 being released to you immediately upon enrollment

Thereafter, you will get a new Module every week until you have received Module 4. This weekly release of Modules is there to ensure that you have time to review the course videos, do the worksheets and reflect on your learnings before the next Module is released.

All these course materials will be hosted on an online platform, so that you can access them readily at your convenience. Oh, and did I mention that you will have lifetime access

“Where you are financially today is 
where your money mindset allows you to be”  
~ Dinah Poehlmann 

When you elevate your money mindset and pass it on to your child, you are literally setting him up for success in life.

Money Savvy Parents 
Course Curriculum
(Money Savvy Parents Digital Course Introduction Video is available for FREE preview)

So are you ready to transform your child's financial journey?

For just USD397, you're not just purchasing a course - you're investing in your child's financial future. 

This isn't merely an expense; it's a strategic move that could save you from navigating the treacherous routes of financial education alone.

Here's why the Money Savvy Parents Digital Course is worth every penny:

1. Lifetime Access, Limitless Impact:
When you enroll today, you're not just gaining access to a course; you're securing a lifetime of financial wisdom for your child. Lifetime access means you can revisit the course whenever you need a refresher, as your child journey through different stages of life.

2. Stay Ahead with Upgrades and Bonuses:
As our commitment to your child's financial success continues, any future upgrades or bonuses to the Money Savvy Parents course will be yours at no extra cost.

3. Immediate Benefits, Compounded Gains:
By taking up this course today, you're not just making an investment for the present; you're laying the foundation for compounded gains in your child's financial literacy. Imagine the satisfaction of witnessing your child making smart financial decisions for years to come.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower your child with the essential financial skills they need. Seize the moment, secure lifetime access, and set your child on the path to financial success.
Be a Money Savvy Parent today! 

Wait there's more...

You'll also get a Live Group Coaching Call to be conducted on online Zoom after you have completed the Modules materials, so that you can ask questions and discuss tricky situations that you face with your child with regards to money. 

As a course participant, you'll be able to provide feedback on the course content and materials. Your feedback is important to improving the course and creating relevant bonuses for the course.

It's not just about the children. When you join the Money Savvy Parents digital course, you will gain valuable insights on YOUR relationship with money and create an abundant money mindset.  

You'll learn:

  • Exploring Yours and Your Child's Money Mindset 
  • Understanding Family Values 
  • The Art and Science of Spending 
  • Nurturing an Abundant Child 


  • Live Group Coaching Call and Feedback Session